'Surreal' is an installation by Naomi Goodsir for the presentation of her new custom made bottle & box.
Art, Displays, Event, Exhibitions
Art, Displays, Event, Exhibitions
'Surreal' is an installation by Naomi Goodsir for the presentation of her new custom made bottle & box.
Art, Parfums, Travels, Windows
Arte Profumo , Piazza Marconi 6, 33100 Udine, Italy - www.arteprofumo.it
The window display is dedicated to Nuit de Bakélite, according to Olefacto event which took place at Arte Profumo on September 13th, 2017.
During Pitti Uomo, we presented our latest perfume - Nuit de Bakélite - to the visitors. For the first time, our "Insomnia" display took place in Florence in the "Unconventional" section.
"Insomnia" installation, The Playing Circle, 6th June 2017 / 7.00AM. Press day, Skins Cosmetics.
The encounter between Art & Science.
By combining silicone with open work textile materials, Tzuri Gueta invented a technique of blowing silicone onto lace. Tzuri Gueta graduated from Shenkar College in Tel Aviv, Israel as a designer & textile engineer. After settling in Paris in 1996, Tzuri worked at Trend Union - an agency run by Li Edelkoort where he concentrated on textile design. His innovative approach gave rise to surprising materials that border on sculpture – materials that deceive the senses of touch & vision.
In November 2013, the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, hosted the exhibition ‘Noces Végétales’ (Plant Nuptials) by Tzuri Gueta, inside the Great Green houses in the Jardin des Plantes. Using silicone-infused lace to create works inspired by the organic world, Tzuri enhanced the luxuriant greenery of the greenhouse by entwining his silicone pieces with nature.
Tzuri Gueta collaborates with the worlds most acclaimed haute couture houses : Chanel, Givenchy, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Stéphane Rolland, Issey Miyake, etc …
"Insomnia" installation, Hotel Principe Di Savoia in Milan, 26th March 2017 / 5.00AM
Photos by Mr R
Art, Displays, Exhibitions, Parfums
Our display at Tranoi Parfums, January 2017, in Paris. Part of the installation "Souvenir du Monde Flottant, Iris Cendré (Goodsir)", 2015. Graphite on paper by Jean-Philippe Roubaud. Pictures by Stefan Kraus & Mr R.
Credits: Filippo Sorcinelli & Naomi Goodsir
the Bowler
hand crafting in the details ....
lock of hair
concertina folding
the apron reversed